Our Long Serving Staff

Let’s meet some of them:

Ravind Lal

Years of service: 31 years

Initial job: Supermarket sales

Position now: HOD Paints Department

Why he has stayed with GMR: “Management has been very good to me. They provide transport and have also given me materials on credit terms when I was building my house.”

Razia Shabna

Years of service: 12 years

Initial job: Cashier

Position now: Team leader Administration

Why she has stayed with GMR: “GMR Management has promoted me to a higher position during my time here. They provide credit accounts to their staff and I enjoy the working environment.”

Faizal Ali

Years of service: 22 years

Initial job: Bulk boy

Position now: Operations Manager

Why he has stayed with GMR: “GMR is an honest company, for example, if we receive any extra products from the supplier, the Directors advise us to let the supplier know. They have also provided me with transport and I enjoy working here because of the staff and the environment.”

Fariyad Ali

Years of service: 26 years

Initial job: Timber yard labour

Position now: Dispatch Labour

Why he has stayed with GMR: “My work place is near to me, so I don’t have to travel in traffic. I’m also able to be on time for my prayer.”